If you want to know why people came to your blog, else you want to improve your blog, then the Bing Webmaster Tools can help you better. It can help you improve your blog using this research tool to grow your blog in a better way. Submit a sitemap to Bing is very easy; no technical knowledge or expertise is necessary. I am going to explain the entire process step by step. I have also prepared a video on Youtube for more help. Believe me, after using Bing Webmaster Tools, and you will get more output from your dream blog.

The Sitemap for Blogspot or Blogger

First, we’ll talk about sitemap types for a Blogspot or Blogger.

  1. For a blog without a custom domain (For example https://www.techprevue.blogspot.com) 2. For a blog with a custom domain (For example https://www.techprevue.com)

For a blog without a custom domain

First method Second method

For a blog with a custom domain

First method Second method Note: Custom domain sitemap has a limit of 500 posts, so we can submit two or more sitemaps (each has 500 posts) if you have more than 500 posts.

Steps to Submit A Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools

  1. Land to http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster

  2. Click on Sign in, if you do not have Microsoft account you can sign up

  3. After that type blog address and click on ADD button

  4. On the next page, you have to enter sitemap of your blog and click on ADD button

  5. Now you’re on next page where you’ll find meta tag for owner verification, and you have to add this meta tag to Blogger template

Note: Learn about Blogger template editing

  1. After that click on the VERIFY button

  2. After successful verification of your blog, you’ll receive a message, e.g., https://www.techprevue.com is verified.

  3. Now you can click on ‘My sites’ which is given on the left-hand side

  4. Click on ‘My sites’. You’ll get the list of your blogs if you have more than one blog added.

  5. And an overview of the stats of a blog is on this page.

  6. By clicking on the blog domain (e.g., https://www.techprevue.com), you can get detailed stats

  7. From this page, you can submit more than one sitemap again for your sitemap. You are Done!

Video Tutorial


Bing webmaster tools are helpful to analyze and improve a site/blog. It is necessary to submit blog sitemap to Bing webmaster tools and keep tracking your page views and other important things. It is helpful in the improvement of your blog traffic and doing keyword research. Submitting a sitemap is just a task of 5 minutes and no technical expertise is necessary after reading this article.

How to Submit A Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools    Blogspot Blogger SEO - 94How to Submit A Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools    Blogspot Blogger SEO - 77How to Submit A Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools    Blogspot Blogger SEO - 13How to Submit A Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools    Blogspot Blogger SEO - 75How to Submit A Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools    Blogspot Blogger SEO - 4How to Submit A Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools    Blogspot Blogger SEO - 33