But owning multiple Google accounts can be a head-spinning task to maintain generally more in case if you own a single Chromebook, and you want to use all of your Accounts on that only Chromebook that you own.

If this is all the questions that are spinning around then your head, you have come to the right place where we will take a detailed look at what are Google Accounts & how to sign up for multiple Google Accounts and how to manage your Google Account on your Chromebook. Before we jump into the tips to manage more than one account on Chromebook, let us take a step back and look into the basic things about Google Accounts.

What is Google Account?

Google generally allows all its users to create an account with Google, and with the help of the Google Account, you will be able to use the service and the products. As if you have created an account with Google, you will be able to use Gmail, Google+, Google Analytics, Adwords, and much more. So if you have not created an account till now or you need another Google Account, then here we are. You have to follow the tips below to create an account with Google. {Note: If you already know how to create an account with Google skip this paragraph and go to the next one below}

Create Your Google Account

To create an account on Google, you will need to follow the steps below.

And that’s all you need to do, and you will have a brand new Google Account that will let you use all Google’s Products and Services. And now that you know how to create an account on Google and I hope you have already created multiple accounts for your needs so now you will need to manage it on your Chromebook, but first of all, we will take a look at how to manage multiple accounts on Google Chrome.

Use Multiple Accounts on Google Chrome

It is effortless to switch and maintain your multiple accounts on your Google Chrome, and to do it, follow the tips below. To switch to another account on your Google Account first you will need to add the Google Account to the Chrome Browser and to do it first you have to open your Google Chrome and click on your Account DP located at the top left corner {It might differ from one version of browser to another. Still, you can find your Google account DP and click on it} and click on Add account option, and now you will have to give your Gmail and Password, and you will be logged in to your Google Account, and now if you want to go back to your previous Account you will have to click on your Account DP, and you should see another account listed below and to log in you will have to click on it. But now let us come to the real deal and learn how to manage multiple Google account in your Chromebook.

Manage Multiple Accounts on Your Chromebook

If you have multiple Google accounts and you want to manage all those accounts from your same Chromebook, then you should follow the tips below.

Add Users to Google Account

To add a new account to your Chromebook, you will have to follow the tips below.

Switch User Accounts on Chromebook

To switch user accounts on your Chromebook, you will have to follow the tips below. Note: Do you know that you can even let others use your Chromebook by making them log in as Guest User, and that will make that user be able to use the browser only, but he/she will not be able to excess to your files. Well, that is all we have for you today on how to manage your multiple accounts on your Chromebook, and I hope you have learned all the tips given above.

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